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Sharing news and commentary about education, careers, investing, and life.

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Joys Of Travel

I feel strongly about travel. As regular readers have gathered, I enjoy traveling almost every weekend. In 2007 alone I made (in many cases multiple) trips to the following places:
So why do I share this? Because I believe that travel is one of those great ways of getting and understanding different perspectives. Plus, given the way air travel has become, it is a great way of building up one's patience. To me, travel and reading are two of the best ways of broadening one's horizons and understanding the world.

The ultimate point of this post is to encourage you to travel as much as possible; if you're deciding between saving a few bucks or heading out for a weekend, I will tell you from experience that travel is one of those things you usually do not regret doing, particularly if it is a unique travel opportunity. Of course, it helps to have great friends in these locations to help you save on hotel costs. Regardless, I hope you consider exploring as much of the world as possible!

P.S. An informative and usually fun take on travel is Arthur Frommer's blog.

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