Sharing news and commentary about education, careers, investing, and life.

Sharing news and commentary about education, careers, investing, and life.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

What I'm Reading...

... or better yet, what I consistently read is such:

- The Wall Street Journal (daily)
- The Economist (every Friday it arrives, I finish it by the weekend)
- National Geographic (monthly)
- GQ (not my subscription, but it's entertainment)

Then I read (or used to read) 2-3 books a week. For the past month, it's been an average of 1-2 books per week.

It's not so important what I read (or what you read), but rather that I read a variety of newspapers, magazines, and books consistently. I also suggest reading blogs from time to time, for interesting, more up to date information and perspectives. If you expose yourself to a lot of knowledge and perspectives, you're able to make more informed decisions and capitalize on the experiences of others.

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