Sharing news and commentary about education, careers, investing, and life.

Sharing news and commentary about education, careers, investing, and life.

Friday, October 26, 2007


Amazingly, this excellent feature on Memory is available on National Geographic's website. It's certainly worth a look and here's a quote to entice you:

"Remembering everything is both maddening and lonely for AJ. 'I remember good, which is very comforting. But I also remember bad - and every bad choice,' she says. 'And I really don't give myself a break. There are all these forks in the road, moments you have to make a choice, and then it's ten years later, and I'm still beating myself up over them. I don't forgive myself for a lot of things. Your memory is the way it is to protect you. I feel like it just hasn't protected me. I would love just for five minutes to be a simple person and not have all this stuff in my head. Most people have called what I have a gift,' AJ says, 'but I call it a burden.'"

The quote "your memory is the way it is to protect you" really sticks out because of this woman's perspective. Check out the rest of the article for other perspectives that will make you think about your own memory.

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