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Sharing news and commentary about education, careers, investing, and life.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Hypocritical Politicians: A Good Thing?

I know it's a little late in the day for a post, but this article from The Boston Globe is particularly intriguing and timely. (Credit goes to Arts & Letters Daily 'cause I wouldn't have found it otherwise.) Here's a quote to peak your interest. Don't forget to vote tomorrow!

"But is hypocrisy really so bad? Given what it takes to get elected, and what we expect of politicians once in office, we may want to think again about political hypocrisy. Hypocrisy may not be an attractive human quality, but in politics, it is often a desirable one - and may sometimes be better than the alternative.

Hypocrites, in constructing an electable persona for themselves, are clearly demonstrating that they understand their personal limitations. They recognize the need to adapt what they happen to believe to what is politically prudent. So it's possible to see hypocrisy as evidence of politicians who will do what they say once in office because they set no special premium by their private preferences."

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