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Sharing news and commentary about education, careers, investing, and life.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Who Killed TV's Family Hour?

Here is another excellent article from the talented group over at the City Journal. Of course, Adam is right in saying "the family hour may well be dead—but parents, not broadcasters, were the ones who killed it." However, a few more thoughts to add:

- These corporate interests that "hijacked" TV's family hour actually do hardworking adults a huge favor: by pushing the shows that typically were shown later in the evening, they allow people who don't have DVRs to watch the shows they might typically miss if they came on very late.

- Perhaps kids are more jaded or realistic about the world we live in and the "inappropriate" shows that come on at 8, 9pm are only appropriate by a 1950's standard and not today's standard.

The strong impression from the report about the death of family hour is that the Parent's Television Council is trying to impart 1950's values on 21st century families. As any rational mind would know, this sort of thinking doesn't lead to any solid conclusions.

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