Sharing news and commentary about education, careers, investing, and life.

Sharing news and commentary about education, careers, investing, and life.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Today's Links (Monday, 9-17-07): The Job Hunt

-"I am more than a test score."

- Literally living your dreams, from the NY Times.

- "Nervous about public speaking? Try taking on an offbeat topic..."

- Tips on being assertive.

- An education revolution going on in North Korea.

- Five ways the job hunt is about to change, from Penelope Trunk. (The same Penelope who wrote back to us saying she liked this post).

- The state of manufacturing in the US (it's not what you think!)

- Life lessons at Meerkat Manor, a great article by Steven Malanga at City Journal.

Did we miss something? Feel free to leave a comment or drop us a line. Feedback is always welcome and always read.

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