Sharing news and commentary about education, careers, investing, and life.

Sharing news and commentary about education, careers, investing, and life.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Not Quite There...

Over the weekend, I read this same bit about a teacher's attempt towards reaching National Board certification, but what's more interesting isn't the end result but rather the teacher's journey... (cliche, I know!)

But what's perhaps more interesting than the teacher's tale is this quote in Joanne Jacob's same post:

"Betsy thinks teachers won’t be treated as professionals as long as they’re sheltered from marketplace competition."

Well, we think it's quite true - there's nothing like the efficiency of the markets. So that's why we're all for merit pay and why we've blogged about it before. The same logic applies to Betsy's point: if a teacher is good, they wouldn't be opposed to merit pay; if they're bad, they would be. And as we also wrote: the best way to protect your pay and job is to continually improve and add value, especially in what is popularly called our increasingly global economy.

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