Sharing news and commentary about education, careers, investing, and life.

Sharing news and commentary about education, careers, investing, and life.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Linking Back: Playtime, Valedictorians, and Starbucks

- Here's the problem with comparing apples to oranges. In this case, it's comparing Starbucks to Web 2.0 companies. Lesson learned when trying to make apples to oranges comparisons in education...

- An interesting grading scale, from the Trenches of Public Ed. blog. I can't say I agree with it, since it disproportionately rewards effort over skill instead of striking a balance. However, it's better than most grading scales I've seen, so kudos for that.

- From the consistently good Joanne Jacobs, on rejecting the use of race in school assignments, but not the use of socioeconomic status.

- How to get more charitable donations, from Wharton. This logic also applies to business and certainly education.

- Great stories from the NY Times about valedictorians in NYC.

- On the need for taking time out of your day and being less structured, from Slate.

- I will probably come back to this next week in a full post, but boy doesn't this plan by Bloomberg written up in the City Journal just irk you?

... as always, please feel free to comment, send a message, or write an email ...

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